Inspire Massage

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spring Cleaning Without "Flu-Like Symptoms"

Our environments have steadily become more polluted. From fire retardants found in breast milk to parabens found in the middle of cancer tumors. Pesticides, chemicals, metals, transmissions from aliens, antibiotics- you name it. Consequently, it's become more and more important to support our natural detoxification system.
I've recently started drinking kefir water spritzers. Like milk kefir, only not, it's a slightly fermented drink that has probiotics and encourages my body to detoxify itself. If made with orange juice, it can resemble a mimosa. Perfect!! However, my daily shot of kefir water started giving me headaches.
In the past, I avoided semi-annual cleansing regimens because they didn't seem very pleasant. Kefir water attracted me because it resembled hard apple cider or mimosas. And, I could grow them in my refrigerator like sea monkeys. The headaches though, were bumming me out. I decided to do some research.
Very sensibly, nature gave our bodies an amazing detoxification system; a two stage process of cleaning then disposing of the bad stuff. It's not enough to clean out the refrigerator, you need to take the science experiment leftovers outside or they will smell the place up. The headaches, fatigue, congestion, rashes and irritability happen because SOMEBODY is too BUSY to take the garbage out (I won't name names, but it rhymes with "not me"). That's why people can get very, VERY sick when they detoxify fast and intense. Good nutrition eliminates your detox hangover by rousting, bribing, and lending a hand to your tv watching garbage taker-outer.
Here are some key nutrients to support you spring detoxification or daily dose of kefir mimosas.
Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, Cysteine,Vitamin C, L-glutamine, aspartic acid, Fe, SAMe, methionine, betain, Acetyl-Co-A. You can also load up on broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and kale. 
I get most of these nutrients from a raw food breakfast berry powder mixed with almond milk and chia seeds. It's quick, tastes pretty decent for a breakfast shake and keeps me energized for the day. Best of all, no detox hangover.
Paul Chamberlain


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