Inspire Massage

Monday, February 6, 2012

Finding Clarity Within Emotions

In everyone's life, change will someday surprise us. No matter how prepared, the emotions still grab us and take control. Maybe it's anger or depression or shock but either way we feel like someone turned our world upside down. How do you find light when the sun has disappeared?

We get glimpses into our psyche every day, in the form of emotions. Emotions mirror the beliefs we've gathered since conception. By reflecting on these everyday frustrations, hurts and sadness, we better navigate life-altering events. These mild emotions school us in healing our past hurts and creating more graceful world views. Facing and reflecting on our temporary emotions help us find solace within the permanent ones and strengthens us during life crises.

With an expressive and open attitude, some people reflect by writing, drawing, talking, listening or feeling with the intention of moving through the emotion and finding wisdom- the process and results are rarely pretty. During self-expression, catharsis is more important than product. When you let yourself feel, the emotions move through you and when you safely express the emotion, you maintain good relationships. When you investigate new ideas, you widen your options and when you apply this new information to your life, you live more gracefully. Regular, open self-reflection strengthens us for life's troubles.

How do we remember this wisdom when life changes dramatically? When I'm lost, I hold onto anchors. Like souvenirs, anchors remind us what we believe, who we want to be and transport us to a different state of mind. I surround myself with anchors that personally represent love, success and happiness. Whether a smell, sound, word, token or picture, I create anchors for memorable experiences and carefully place them everywhere in my life.

When emotions hit us hard, how can help others or find our own clarity? The same way we prepare: expression, self-reflection and anchoring.

1. Find a safe way to express the emotions, without judgementalism; choosing to deal with the emotions rather than arguing, over-eating, drugs, alcohol or other unsafe behavior.

2. In calm moments, talk to the emotion like an adult to a child. Find out what it's saying and answer as you would a wise friend. Bringing deep-seated beliefs and memories to the light helps them metamorphose.

3. Place positive, life-affirming anchors everywhere. Engage all the senses to remember that all is not lost. Wonderful, meaningful experiences have happened and they will again. Visiting natural areas, reading stories and visiting wise souls will gentle the emotions.

Everyone goes through hard changes in their lives; it's inevitable. Learning how to find clarity in the midst of our overwhelming emotions will help us move forward to our next chapter.

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