Inspire Massage

Monday, February 6, 2012

Easing The Price of Emotions

Emotions overtake, drive, heal and destroy us. At times, they speak so loudly they consume us. When we've experienced loss, nothing pretties it up. We hurt for a good reason buried under layers of sleeplessness, poor nutrition, illness, physical pain and boredom. When we address these symptoms of emotional pain, we start to heal.
Sleeplessness- Anxiety and depression keeps our mind racing throughout the night. -Keep a worry bowl or box next to your bed. When you're ready to sleep, metaphorically put your thoughts inside for tomorrow, when you are better prepared to think about them.
-Eat a high protein breakfast and a complex carb at bedtime; in a pinch, cookies and milk.. It not only gives symbolic comfort, protein helps with melatonin production and the dairy and carbs calm your mind. If you wake at 2am, keep multi-grain crackers handy to help you fall back asleep.
-Put a token under your pillow to touch and hold, reminding you of good things in your life.
- Sleep somewhere else. Changing your environment distracts and quiets the mind.
- Avoid alcohol before bedtime. The sugar crash will wake you up in the middle of the night. 
Pain and Illness- When depressed, our bodies suppress our natural pain killers- beta-endorphins.
-Watch funny movies and walk 15 min. or more. Laughter and/or exercise release beta-endorphins.
-Move like 'Pretty Woman'. The looser you move, the better your circulation with less pain.
-Eat spinach and take epsom salt baths. Magnesium relieves pain as well as boosts your mood.
Low Energy and Boredom- Over and under sleeping, depression and pain contribute to low energy.
- Set goals for yourself for the next few months. It's easy to feel worthless and lost when you're suffering. Making a thoughtful list and timeline helps motivate you to live.
- Spend time with people you like. Research shows happiness comes from spending time with sincerely happy people. You find a space to express your emotions and guidance from people who understand navigating pain.
-Eat a high protein breakfast, take your vitamins and cut back on simple carbs like pasta, bread and alcohol. Adding more whole grains, flax seed, chia seed and raw nuts also help maintain your energy.
- Surround yourself with anchors of life, love and hope. Music, photos and essential oils remind you of happier times and help you shift your energy.
- Let yourself grieve. You ease pain and depression by expressing it- art, music, writing, dance,emails, dialogue, running, boxing... anything creative that helps you connect and find yourself again. Ignore perfection.

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