Inspire Massage

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Secrets Of Fall Arthritis Part I

Isle Royale 2010
Photo Courtesy of Van Archiquette
Fall, in the Midwest, is the season of slowing down, watching football and staying warm. It’s also the season of achy pain. The colder it gets, the worse I feel. Achy fall pain means you have some inflammation. Or, in Chinese Medicine, too much heat- parts of your body are working too hard.
1.  As the season changes, the air pressure fluctuates dramatically. Any pressure, even air, keep the bodies inflammation response in check. When there is less pressure, like when the weather changes dramatically, our bodies swell causing more aches and pains.
2.  When we're sedentary, our bodies drainage systems don’t work well. Our main drainage, the lymph system, only works when we move. When we stop moving, pressure builds up and we hurt.
3.  We're less physically active when we’re indoors and cold. We sit or lay in the same position for longer periods of time. This pattern causes extra pressure and extra stress on parts of our body.
4.  In the winter, we eat fattier, comfort foods and fewer raw vegetables. Red meats, processed foods, dairy, salt, sugar…all of these create a whole body, low level inflammatory response.
So not only are we creating more inflammation, but we are doing less to relieve it. Believe it or not, if you’re like me, pain is a great motivator. The increased pain lets me know what parts of my body are troubled and inspires me to do something about it. Correctly treating minor aches and pains can head off future joint replacements, surgeries and downtime.
Most of us have areas of our body that reflect old injuries, cellular and/or psychological memories and inherited poor body mechanics. Over time, and when our patterns change, these areas hurt. It’s not a mysterious diagnoses of old age or arthritis. It’s a wearing down, blockage, overuse and/or atrophy of part(s) of your body. You aren’t doomed to misery and handfuls of asprin and ibuprofen. It’s not a quick fix, but it is an easy answer- mindful movement. Next week, Part II will outline the steps to increase your body awareness and move in a healthier, more pain free, less pain inducing way. Until then!


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